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- Continuing the family tradition, in later years White Watson would also work for the Chatsworth Estate.
Melanjutkan tradisi keluarga, tahun-tahun kemudian White Wason juga bekerja di Chatsworth Estate. - On leaving Sheffield School at the age of 14, White Watson went to live with his uncle, and was apprenticed to him on 31 May 1774.
Saat meninggalkan Sekolah Sheffield pada usia 14, White Watson tinggal dengan pamannya, serta bekerja magang padanya sejak 31 Mei 1774. - Martin worked with White Watson to create joint publications, but the partnership did not work well with Watson claiming that he was not receiving sufficient credit.
Martin bekerja dengan White Watson untuk publikasi bersama, namun kerjasama tidak berjalan baik ketika Watson menyatakan bahwa ia tidak mendapatkan penghargaan yang mencukupi. - It was White Watson who was chiefly responsible for the popular commercialisation of works produced in Ashford Black Marble, a limestone impregnated with bitumen to give it its sleek blackness.
Adalah White Watson yang berperan dalam komersialisasi hasil produksi Marmer Ashford - jenis batu kapur yang mengandung bitumen dengan tampilan gelapnya. - From 1782 to 1785 he was with a Derbyshire acting troupe when he met White Watson with whom he was to collaborate in a work on Derbyshire fossils.
Dari tahun 1782 sampai 1785 ia bersama rombongan drama Derbyshire ketika ia bertemu White Watson di mana ia kemudian bekerjasama dalam pekerjaan fosil Derbyshire.